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Message from Management

Realizing Innovative Value by Creating New Fields with the Power of ICT and Linking this throughout People's Lives and Society

Picture : Masami Yamamoto Representative Director and Chairman / Tatsuya Tanaka Representative Director and President

Fujitsu was founded in 1935, 80 years ago.

At that time, most telephones were connected manually, and with the rapid increase in calls, the burden on people (exchange operators) had become an issue. Therefore, Fujitsu started the manufacture of automatic telephone exchange equipment as a domestic manufacturer.

Since then, Fujitsu has consistently used innovative technology in various fields, taking a human-focused approach to find solutions to problems. These efforts fostered trust that led to further value creation, enabling us to grow in step with the development of our customers and society.

As we mark our 80th year, we have adopted a new management structure. We are currently examining what we need to create now to leverage the trust we have built up in previous years, and to ensure that 20 years from now Fujitsu will have developed even further as a 100-year-old company. When considering this future, we are anchored by our most important principle of placing people at the center of our business operations, as part of our goal to facilitate human happiness.

In line with population growth, the world is facing a host of problems that threaten sustainability, such as climate change and shortages of energy and food. In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and ICT is set to play an indispensable role in global sustainable development. Therefore, finding ways to benefit both business and society is Fujitsu's social responsibility as well as its business opportunity.

On the other hand, the changes in our digital society will continue to accelerate in the future. Fujitsu strives to achieve sustainable growth by enhancing "connected"IoT technologies, and leading the connections of new fields such as self-driving vehicles and smart factories. Through these initiatives, we will work to create innovative value inspired by our customers and all people.

Fujitsu aims to communicate such ideas to everyone through the publication of Integrated Report, starting from this year.
I hope that through this we can deepen our engagement with stakeholders in terms of purposeful dialogue, and conduct transparent management.

Masami Yamamoto Representative Director and Chairman / Tatsuya Tanaka Representative Director and President

Fujitsu Group Integrated Report (PDF)

Message from Management (993 KB/A4, 2 pages)