Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Fujitsu Laboratories Establishes New Lab to Leverage Broadband and Ubiquitous Technologies to Promote More Effective Use of IT Systems
Kawasaki, May 9, 2003 -- Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. announced today that it has established a Laboratory for Broadband and Ubiquitous Technologies ("the Lab") that aims to facilitate the development of proposals to help customers utilize information systems more effectively.
Based on specific customer requests and needs identified by Fujitsu's sales and business units, the Lab will develop prototype solutions leveraging the advanced broadband and ubiquitous network technologies being developed at Fujitsu Laboratories. Fujitsu will use these prototypes to develop specific proposals that will enable customers to optimize their use of information technology. At the same time, the Lab will obtain early customer feedback that will enable Fujitsu to better target its R&D in the fields of broadband and ubiquitous technologies in order to respond quickly to specific and emerging customer needs.
The proliferation of the Internet and advances in wireless communications technology are leading to the creation of an environment where computer systems and high-speed broadband networks are ubiquitous, that is, accessible anytime and anywhere.
In this environment, customers are deploying advanced information technologies to enable business management and organizational activities to be conducted nimbly and with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. For example, sales and retail staff working in the front lines are already being equipped with handheld mobile information terminals that connect directly with computers at the head office to enable real-time inventory checks, order placement and up-to-the-minute information retrieval.
On the other hand, confronted with increasingly complex information systems, many businesses are groping with the task of determining what kind of information system would be optimal for their business and activities. In short, the main issue is how to make the latest information systems contribute to the customer's business.
The new Lab will address these issues by assessing what customers want to get out of their information systems, clearly reflecting those requirements in its R&D plan, and developing solution prototypes that respond to those requirements. Working with Fujitsu's sales and business units, the Lab will help to provide information systems that are optimized to customers' businesses.
The Lab for Broadband and Ubiquitous Technologies: Key Facts
- Location: On campus of Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Kawasaki, Japan
- Area: 125 sq meters
- Main related research areas:
- - Broadband technologies:
MPEG, contents collection/production/distribution, contents watermarking, contents conversion, video streaming real-time encryption
- - Ubiquitous technologies:
RF-ID, IC card, mobile terminal, in-home gateway, secure VoIP, wireless LAN,
personalization, knowledge sharing
- - Other related technologies:
Biometric authentication, voice recognition, voice synthesis, handwritten character recognition, automated translation, data mining
About Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Founded in 1968 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Fujitsu Limited, Fujitsu Laboratories Limited is one of the premier research centers in the world. With a global network of laboratories in Japan, China, the United States and Europe, the organization conducts a wide range of basic and applied research in the areas of Multimedia, Personal Systems, Networks, Peripherals, Advanced Materials and Electronic Devices.
Internet: http://www.labs.fujitsu.com/
[For more information, contact:]
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Broadband Research Center / Ubiquitous Systems Research Center
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