Fujitsu Limited
Fujitsu Launches Its MB90890 Series of 16-Bit CAN Microcontrollers
World's First With Embedded Dual-Operation Flash Memory
Tokyo, January 14, 2003- Fujitsu Limited today announced the release of two products in its new MB90890 series of 16-bit microcontrollers that support the Controller Area Network (CAN) interface, the standard protocol for automotive network applications. These are the first products to use Fujitsu's newly developed F2MC-16LX 16-bit
microcontroller architecture, the world's first with dual-operation flash memory. The two products are available starting today.
CAN has emerged in recent years as the international standard
for vehicle networks. Since 1998 Fujitsu has offered an
extensive line of CAN-based microcontrollers for enhanced
automotive safety and comfort.
The newly developed products are embedded with dual-operation
flash memory in a single chip, thereby enabling on-board
simultaneous read/write processing, unlike conventional chips,
for which all data configurations need to be stored on an
external EEPROM when the device powers down.
Features of Fujitsu's new MB90890 series:
- 1. Dual-operation memory
- Conventional embedded systems need to write out data to external
EEPROM or other forms of non-volatile memory when powering down.
The new products employ Fujitsu's leading-edge flash-memory
technology, offering 64 KB of dual-operation memory in two banks,
which allows data to be rewritten while a program is executing
on the same chip.
This eliminates the need for external memory chips, reduces chip
area demands, and lowers costs. Furthermore, the ample amounts
of non-volatile storage make new features possible, so that
driving distance, seat positions, and other bits of data can be
recorded to facilitate controls for improving comfort, safety,
and communications. Doing away with the need for external
storage also eliminates the associated security-related concerns.
- 2. Compatible with a wide range of operating voltages: 3.5 - 5.5
- UThe new microcontrollers are designed for greater reliability,
even when the power supply fluctuates.
- 3. Stricter threshold for Low input voltage
- Fujitsu tightened its tolerance for the Low voltage threshold,
from 30% of Vcc to 50% of Vcc. This provides adequate margin for
circuit design while enhancing the system's resistance to noise.
Fujitsu plans to expand its line of microcontrollers with
embedded dual-operation flash memory, and remains committed to
helping its customers build better products more economically
through its F2MC line of system controllers, which offer simpler
system design, reduced part counts, and lower real-estate
demands for automotive, digital entertainment and car-audio
Main Specifications of the MB90890 Series
- Process technology: CMOS 0.35 micrometer
- Power supply: 3.5 to 5.5V
- Operating temperature: -40 to 105C
- Minimum instruction execution time: 62.5 ns @ 4MHz (PLL clock
multiplier x4)
- RAM: 2 Kbytes (both products)
- Flash memory:
- MB90F897: 64 Kbytes w/ sub-clock
- MB90F897S: 64 Kbytes, no sub-clock
- I/O ports:
- MB90F897: 34 (w/ sub-clock, max)
- MB90F897S: 36 (no sub-clock, max)
- Standby modes: sleep(*1), stop(*2), CPU-intermittent(*3)
- Timer functions: all timer functions included
- Interrupt functions: Delayed interrupt, DTP (*4), external
- UART (SCI) functions : 2 channels
- CAN controller: 1 channel
- Input level: software-selectable
- AD converter: 8 channels (8/16 bits)
- Packaging: 48-pin low-profile quad flat package
- *1. Sleep mode:
- Stops the CPU's clock, but other functions aside from the CPU
still operate. Power-conserving mode that allows peripheral
functions to continue running.
- *2. Stop mode:
- Stops the clock's oscillator and all functions. Lowest power
mode, but saves data.
- *3. CPU-intermittent mode:
- Pauses the CPU's clock periodically Allows the CPU to continue
operating, but reduces power demands.
- *4. Data transfer peripheral (DTP):
- A special terminal on the F2MC 16 LX series of CPUs that
automatically initiates a transfer when receiving a
direct-memory access request from an external chip, or when
receiving an interrupt.
About Fujitsu
Fujitsu is a leading provider of customer-focused IT and communications solutions for the global marketplace. Pace-setting technologies, high-reliability/performance computing and telecommunications platforms, and a worldwide corps of systems and services experts make Fujitsu uniquely positioned to unleash the infinite possibilities of the broadband Internet to help its customers succeed. Headquartered in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 5 trillion yen (about US$38 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002. For more information, please see: http://www.fujitsu.com/
[Press Contacts]
Nozomi Endo, Nancy Ikehara
Fujitsu Limited, Public & Investor Relations
Tel: +81-3-3215-5259 (Tokyo)
Press Inquiries
[Customer/Technical Contact]
Fujitsu Limited
Electronic Devices Group
System Micro Division
Tel: +81-(0)42-532-1397 (Tokyo)
E-mail: edevice@fujitsu.com
All company/product names mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for identification purpose only.
Please understand that product prices, specifications and other details are current on the day of issue of the press release, however, may change thereafter without notice.
