2002-016 Fujitsu Limited |
Fujitsu Group Establishes Eco-Forest Park in Malaysia
--10,000 Group Employees Pitch In to Help Set Up Operating Fund--
Tokyo, January 22, 2002 --Fujitsu Limited today announced that it has established the Fujitsu-Malaysia Eco-Forest Park in the state of Sabah, on the island of Borneo. Fujitsu is undertaking this afforestation project as part of its international environmental protection activities. More than 10,000 Group employees contributed to the operating fund of the new Eco-Forest Park, and employee volunteers are participating in the tree-planting work, which is being carried out by an umbrella organization that includes Fujitsu Limited and its group companies and the Fujitsu labor union, with support from the Malaysian government, the Japan International Forestry Promotion & Cooperation Center (JIFPRO), and the Japanese Consulate General in Kota Kinabalu.
Malaysia's forests have been decimated by slash-and-burn agriculture, forestry, and palm-oil plantations, and restoring them has become an urgent concern. In Sabah's Kinarut region, where slash-and-burn agriculture and forest fires have ruined large areas, Sabah Forestry Development Authority (SAFODA) had been trying to pursue tree planting as a form of forest remediation, but progress was stymied by a lack of funds. With the Fujitsu Group's help, the Eco-Forest Park is now a reality.
Augmenting the contributions of its employees, Fujitsu is contributing all the money for the fund and rallying volunteers for the planting work. SAFODA planned and is implementing a park-wide program and is taking charge of infrastructure and upkeep. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is providing tree-planting technology and training technicians, and JIFPRO is assisting the Fujitsu Group in the planning and implementation of the project.
Fujitsu will be providing ongoing funds over the next three years and will continue to coordinate volunteer plantings. After the planting has been finished, control will be transferred to SAFODA, at which point the Eco-Forest Park will be used for environmental education and eco-tourism.
From January 10 to 15, thirty Fujitsu volunteers from Japan joined fifty volunteers from Group companies in Malaysia, as well as local residents and students, teachers, and family members from a nearby Japanese school, to participate in the tree-planting project. At the dedication ceremony on January 12th, Sabah's deputy minister, president of SAFODA, and Japanese consul general in Kota Kinabalu were all in attendance, as were Fujitsu's chairman Tadashi Sekizawa and union president Haruo Matsuoka. The chief of the general affairs office from the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) was also there to express his support.
This afforestation project in Malaysia is the third of its kind for the Fujitsu Group, which undertook similar efforts in Thailand in 1997 and in Vietnam in 1999. Fujitsu will continue to play an active part in afforestation projects and other types of international environmental projects in the future.
Summary Information on the Fujitsu-Malaysia Eco-Forest Park
- Objectives:
- Help restore Malaysia's tropical rainforests and assist in local environmental education.
- Create goodwill between Malaysia and the Fujitsu Group
- Raise environmental awareness among Fujitsu Group employees
- Period: January 2002 to December 2004 (three years)
(funding and volunteer planting over three phases)
- Location: Approximately 70 ha (173 acres) in the Kinarut region of Sabah State, East Malaysia, Malaysia
- Trees: Approximately 40,000 trees of species predominating in Southeast Asia, including lauan.
- Operating funds: Approximately 7 million yen (to be operated entirely with funds contributed by Fujitsu Group employees)
- Other: Each species of tree in the park will be accompanied by an informational plaque to help fulfill the park's educational mission.
About Fujitsu
Fujitsu is a leading provider of Internet-focused information technology
solutions for the global marketplace. Its pace-setting technologies,
best-in-class computing and telecommunications platforms, and worldwide
corps of systems and services experts make it uniquely positioned to
unleash the infinite possibilities of the Internet to help its customers
succeed. Headquartered in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported
consolidated revenues of 5.48 trillion yen for the fiscal year ended
March 31, 2001. Internet: http://www.fujitsu.com/
Press Contacts
Kikuya Hanazato, Nancy Ikehara
Fujitsu Limited, Public Relations
Tel: +81-3-3215-5236 (Tokyo)
Fax: +81-3-3216-9365
Press Inquiries
Customer Contact
Misao Matsumoto
Fujitsu Limited
Environmental Corporate Affairs Group
Tel: +81-44-754-3262
E-mail: matsumoto.misao@jp.fujitsu.com
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