October 26, 1999
Fujitsu Limited
Consolidated Figures | Unconsolidated Figures |
Yen (billions) |
Yen (billions) |
Yen (billions) |
1st Half FY 1998 |
FY 1998 | 1st Half FY 1999 |
Change (%) |
FY1999 (Forecast) |
Change (%) |
Telecommuni- cations |
Net Sales
Japan Overseas Unaffiliated customers Intersegment Total Operating Income [As % of Sales] |
179.3 145.0 324.3 3.8 328.2 10.6 [3.2%] |
396.1 284.8 681.0 10.7 691.8 15.6 [2.3%] |
173.8 172.7 346.5 4.3 350.9 12.5 [3.6%] |
-3.1 19.1 6.8 12.6 6.9 17.8 |
425.0 385.0 810.0 10.0 820.0 50.0 [6.1%] |
7.3 35.1 18.9 -7.1 18.5 219.3 |
Information Processing |
Net Sales
Japan Overseas Unaffiliated customers Intersegment Total Operating Income [As % of Sales] |
463.1 351.5 814.6 146.4 961.0 41.8 [4.4%] |
1,074.8 726.5 1,801.4 300.6 2,102.0 94.0 [4.5%] |
462.0 300.0 762.0 138.4 900.4 18.7 [2.1%] |
-0.2 -14.6 -6.4 -5.5 -6.3 -55.3 |
1,130.0 540.0 1,670.0 330.0 2,000.0 30.0 [1.5%] |
5.1 -25.7 -7.3 9.8 -4.9 -68.1 |
Services & Software |
Net Sales
Japan Overseas Unaffiliated customers Intersegment Total Operating Income [As % of Sales] |
534.2 379.3 913.5 27.0 940.6 59.6 [6.3%] |
1,260.7 773.8 2,034.5 58.2 2,092.8 166.3 [7.9%] |
575.1 334.5 909.7 34.1 943.9 60.7 [6.4%] |
7.7 -11.8 -0.4 26.2 0.3 1.8 |
1,350.0 780.0 2,130.0 70.0 2,200.0 175.0 [7.9%] |
7.1 0.8 4.7 20.2 5.1 5.2 |
Electronic Devices |
Net Sales
Japan Overseas Unaffiliated customers Intersegment Total Operating Income [As % of Sales] |
114.6 137.7 252.3 45.6 298.0 (43.4) [-14.6%] |
238.2 268.4 506.6 103.1 609.8 (83.3) [-13.7%] |
137.2 129.7 267.0 53.5 320.5 (4.0) [-0.1%] |
19.7 -5.8 5.8 17.3 7.6 - |
315.0 255.0 570.0 110.0 680.0 15.0 [2.2%] |
32.2 -5.0 12.5 6.6 11.5 - |
Financing | Net Sales
Japan Overseas Unaffiliated Customers Intersegment Total Operating Income [As % of Sales] |
- - - - - - - |
- - - - - - - |
50.2 - 50.2 3.1 53.4 1.6 [3.1%] |
- - - - - - - |
100.0 - 100.0 5.0 105.0 2.0 [1.9%] |
- - - - - - - |
Other Operations |
Net Sales
Japan Overseas Unaffiliated customers Intersegment Total Operating Income [As % of Sales] |
75.4 32.8 108.3 50.8 159.1 2.2 [1.4%] |
157.5 61.7 219.3 100.9 320.2 7.0 [2.2%] |
76.1 32.4 108.6 43.3 152.0 (1.0) [-0.1%] |
1.0 -1.2 0.3 -14.6 -4.5 - |
160.0 60.0 220.0 85.0 305.0 3.0 [1.0%] |
1.5 -2.8 0.3 -15.8 -4.8 -57.5 |
Elimination | Net Sales
Operating Income |
(273.8) (26.8) |
(573.7) (67.4) |
(277.0) (29.3) |
(610.0) (65.0) |
Total | Net Sales
Japan Overseas Unaffiliated customers Intersegment Total Operating Income [As % of Sales] |
1,366.7 1,046.5 2,413.3 - 2,413.3 44.1 [1.8%] |
3,127.5 2,115.4 5,242.9 - 5,242.9 132.2 [2.5%] |
1,474.7 969.5 2,444.3 - 2,444.3 63.6 [2.6%] |
7.9 -7.4 1.3 - 1.3 44.1 |
3,480.0 2,020.0 5,500.0 - 5,500.0 210.0 [3.8%] |
11.3 -4.5 4.9 - 4.9 58.7 |