
Summary of Unconsolidated Results

U.S. dollars

Years ended March 31 1998 1997 Change 1998

Net Sales Y 3,229,084 Y 3,123,672 + 3%$ 24,462
Operating Income 89,332 101,906 - 12% 676
Income Before Income Taxes 89,800 102,037 - 12% 680
Net Income 50,900 60,137 - 15% 385

Yen U.S. dollars

Amounts Per Share of Common Stock:
 Basic Earnings
 Diluted Earnings
Y 27.4
Y 26.0
Y 32.7
Y 31.0

U.S. dollars

Net Sales by Product Area 1998 1997 Change 1998

   Communications Systems
Y 696,111 Y 717,496 - 3.0% $ 5,273
   Computers & Information
      Processing Systems
2,234,398 2,119,578 + 5.4% 16,927
   Semiconductors & Electronic
298,575 286,598 + 4.2% 2,262
Y 3,229,084 Y 3,123,672 + 3.4% $ 24,462
