Fujitsu Limited
May 29, 2003
Notice Regarding Restoration of the Iwate Factory
As a result of the strong earthquake in the Tohoku (northeastern) region of Japan on May 26, damage was sustained to piping and other infrastructure at Fujitsu's Iwate front-end semiconductor fabrication facility, and production operations have been suspended. There were no injuries to employees.
Immediately following reports of the earthquake, Fujitsu established a task force, led by Toshihiko Ono, corporate senior vice president and group president of the company's Electronic Devices Business Group, to assess the damage to the plant and coordinate repairs and other actions necessary for restoring operations as quickly as possible. Bringing to bear the full resources of the company, the task force quickly initiated these actions, including debris removal, clean-up and repair activities. As a result of these efforts, renovation of the clean room is scheduled to be completed by June 2, and production is expected to resume shortly.
The company wishes to thank customers and other related parties for their understanding and support, and to assure them that it is making every effort to minimize disruptions arising from this incident.
