Fujitsu Limited
Fujitsu Introduces World's First USB-powered Magneto Optical Drive
- Handy, pocket-sized drive is also world's smallest and lightest -
Tokyo, September 17, 2002 --Fujitsu Limited today announced the introduction of a new 3.5-inch form factor 640 MB magneto optical (MO) drive that is the world's first to be powered by its USB interface, eliminating the need for an AC adapter. OEM sales of the drive unit (MCN3064UA), initially to Japanese manufacturers, will begin in early October. The new MO drive will also be available in Japan as a retail product, the DynaMO 640 Pocket (DMO-640PT), starting October 12, with sales in other parts of Asia and Europe to commence by year-end.
Fujitsu's new MO drive will be on display at WPC Expo 2002, October 16-19 at Tokyo Big Site.
In addition to dramatically reducing power consumption and thereby overcoming the hurdles that have precluded the development of a commercial product operating only on USB bus power, Fujitsu was able to achieve unprecedented compactness of design. The new OEM unit is 38% smaller and 26% lighter than previous Fujitsu models (*1), and is currently the smallest and lightest USB MO drive in the world (*2).
Offering the same ease of data backup as Fujitsu's other MO drives, the DynaMO 640 Pocket drive, with its superior portability, compact dimensions, and ability to be used anywhere because of its USB bus power connection, represents a new level of convenience in removable storage.
DynaMO 640 Pocket special features
- World's first USB-powered MO drive for added convenience
Because it draws its power entirely from the USB connection, it needs no AC adapter, making it much easier to carry. At home or the office, there's no need to bother with finding a free outlet and stringing the power cable.
- World's smallest, lightest MO drive
With a thickness of 23 mm and a weight of 400 g, the DynaMO 640 Pocket is about as slim and light as an external USB-powered floppy drive. It is 47% smaller and 24% lighter than Fujitsu's previous stand-alone MO drive products (*3).
- Low power requirements
Operating on only 2.5 W of power (read/write), the new model requires only about 64% as much power as previous Fujitsu models (*4).
- Media ID support
The new drive supports Media ID (*5), a technology that permits digital media downloaded from the Internet, such as video clips, to be easily stored on MO disks while preserving copyrights. This makes it possible to use downloaded materials on other PCs and retain such materials when buying a new PC.
- Meets Green Products Assessment Standards
The new MO drive meets Fujitsu's Green Products Assessment Standards (*6), the company's stringent qualifications for environmentally friendly products.
Fujitsu has driven MO technology forward with innovations such as the 1.3 GB and 2.3 GB "GigaMO" high-capacity drives, and it is the leading manufacturer of MO drives. Fujitsu is also actively promoting the use of Media IDs as a way to preserve copyrights in digital media. By offering such new removable storage solutions, Fujitsu is fulfilling the need for ease of data storage in today's broadband Internet era, while at the same time protecting copyrights for digital content.
Recently, Fujitsu has been unifying its domestic and overseas MO products under the common "DynaMO" brand. The new DyanMO 640 Pocket is the first model released in Japan under the new branding scheme.
MCN3064UA OEM samples will be priced at 30,000 yen (excl. tax) in Japan, with a sales target of 1 million units in two years. DynaMO 640 Pocket will be open priced at retail outlets.
An AC adapter (DMO-PTADP) will also be available as an option for DynaMO 640 Pocket for use with PCs having insufficient USB power supply capabilities.
- *1. Compared to Fujitsu's MCM3064UB MO drive
- *2. Among MO drives with USB interfaces
- *3. Compared to Fujitsu's DynaMO640U2 MO drive
- *4. Compared to Fujitsu's DynaMO640U2 MO drive
- *5. Media ID:
- This technology was designed to resolve the conflicting demands for the free flow of digital media and copyright preservation in the Internet age. A unique ID number is assigned to each 3.5" magneto-optical cartridge, and this is paired to an individual drive. Media IDs are not currently supported on the Macintosh.
- *6. Green Products Assessment Standards
- Fujitsu's internal standards for environmentally friendly products. Products that have passed this stringent environmental assessment are offered as "green products." These products are flagged in catalogs and on packaging with Fujitsu's special environmental logo.
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All company/product names mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for identification purpose only.
About Fujitsu
Fujitsu is a leading provider of customer-focused IT and communications solutions for the global marketplace. Pace-setting technologies, high-reliability/performance computing and telecommunications platforms, and a worldwide corps of systems and services experts make Fujitsu uniquely positioned to unleash the infinite possibilities of the broadband Internet to help its customers succeed. Headquartered in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 5 trillion yen (about US$38 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002. For more information, please see: http://www.fujitsu.com/
[Press Contacts]
Tomohiro Onagi, Scott Ikeda
Fujitsu Limited, Public & Investor Relations
Tel: +81-3-3215-5259 (Tokyo)
Fax: +81-3-3216-9365
Press Inquiries
[Customer Contact]
Fujitsu Limited, Optical Disk System Div.
E-mail: moiq@cs.fujitsu.co.jp
All company/product names mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are used for identification purpose only.
Please understand that product prices, specifications and other details are current on the day of issue of the press release, however, may change thereafter without notice.
