Fujitsu Limited |
Fujitsu Provides IP-VPN Broadband Infrastructure for
Hino Motors' Japan-wide Sales Network
- Large-Scale Integrated Voice/Data Network Is Industry First -
Tokyo: July 15, 2002 --- Fujitsu Limited and Hino Motors have jointly developed network service linking Hino's 43 sales companies and 200 sales and service locations throughout Japan that features new broadband network capability integrating voice and data communications, something not possible until now. The network uses Fujitsu's FENICS business IP network service (*1) in the industry's first trial of a large-scale IP-VPN with over 100 locations. The project has been ramping up since September 2001 and should be in full operation by the end of this September.
Recently, management in the truck manufacturing industry has been putting much effort into significantly reducing costs as well as bringing greater efficiency to every aspect of their business --- from development, procurement and manufacturing to sales and service. Hino, for its part, has from an early stage been endeavoring to take a unified approach to improving the profitability of its manufacturing and sales companies.
Building on these endeavors, and leveraging the know-how Fujitsu has accumulated over many years in providing Hino with its core sales information system, the companies have collaborated in realizing an industry-leading integrated communications system.
The new network standardizes IP-VPN (*2) among all of Hino's sales companies throughout Japan, integrating voice and data communications by VoIP (*3). As a result, not only is data communication more efficient but there is also a significant cost savings for voice communications. The new system is expected to cut current running costs by 30% or more, enhance group-wide administrative efficiency through use of internal lines, and allow more flexibility for future system changes.
From the earliest stages of this project, Hino and Fujitsu have cooperated closely in investigating and testing the most advanced network infrastructure technologies. The two companies intend to maintain an active cooperative relationship in the area of infrastructure services in the future.
- Glossary
- 1. FENICS business IP network service
- Japan-based service providing closed corporate networks using Internet Protocol (IP) technology.
- 2. IP-VPN (Internet Protocol-Virtual Private Network)
- A closed IP-based network. Does not use the Internet, so end-to-end security and quality of service can be assured while using an IP connection.
- 3. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
- Converting voice signals to IP packets and merging them with data for more efficient transmission.
About Fujitsu
Fujitsu is a leading provider of customer-focused IT and communications solutions for the global marketplace. Pace-setting technologies, high- reliability/performance computing and telecommunications platforms, and a worldwide corps of systems and services experts make Fujitsu uniquely positioned to unleash the infinite possibilities of the broadband Internet to help its customers succeed. Headquartered in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 5 trillion yen (about US$38 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002. For more information, please see:http://www.fujitsu.com/
[Press Contacts]
Nozomi Endo, Nick Hayashi
Fujitsu Limited, Public & Investor Relations
Tel: +81-3-3215-5259 (Tokyo)
Fax: +81-3-3216-9365
Press Inquiries
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Network Services Group
Marketing Div.
Outsourcing Business Development Dept.
Fujitsu Limited
Tel: +81-3-5423-6350
E-mail: webmaster@ns.fujitsu.com
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