Tokyo, May 22, 2001---In a significant enhancement to the "Everything on the Internet" business strategy he unveiled in June 1999, Fujitsu Limited president Naoyuki Akikusa today detailed the company's intention to strengthen involvement in and help realize the emerging broadband Internet. Leveraging its uniquely wide range of strengths in Information Technology, Fujitsu will strive to support a more robust and efficient infrastructure for enterprises and society in the broadband Internet era by focusing its efforts on developing and delivering high-performance/high-reliability products and high value-added services. At the same time, the company today introduced several new and enhanced broadband Internet-related products.
"In the broadband Internet era, seamless links made possible by application of imaging technology, always-on connections and increased mobility will dramatically improve interfaces at every level - people to machine, machine to machine, people to people - bringing about a revolution in collaboration," said Mr. Akikusa. "Making the broadband Internet happen will require expertise in high-capacity optical networks, high-end server technology, leading edge device technology and high level security technology and operational know how - areas in which Fujitsu has demonstrated strengths. We intend to thoroughly focus on and consolidate our resources in these areas."
Under its "Everything on the Internet" business strategy, Fujitsu has already moved toward a higher value-added approach by working to exploit the value chain of its three core business areas (technologies, platforms and services). Now, in the next stage of this strategy, by further enhancing joint creative activity and fusion of technologies and products among these areas - promoting an intuitively synergistic business approach - the company aims to create seamless links between its independent business units to unleash the full power of the group to capitalize on the opportunities of the broadband Internet era. Based on this new business approach, Fujitsu will develop and quickly bringing to market high-performance/high-reliability products and high value-added services, further demonstrating its leadership in a broad range of IT-related business areas.
In addition, for products requiring shorter and more concentrated development efforts, cross-divisional projects will be advanced, such as the recently formed Project A-XML. Launched April 1, this project aims to consolidate Fujitsu's leadership in and greatly accelerate development of advanced XML hardware and software technologies - seen as key enablers of broadband Internet - by marshalling the efforts of a 160 member strong project team comprising personnel from Fujitsu's Software Group, Fujitsu Laboratories Limited, Fujitsu Laboratories of America and other operations throughout the global Fujitsu group. At the same time, the company will create seamless links with the group's systems engineering, sales and support divisions, and also embark on a program to provide practical training in XML to 45,000 systems engineers over the next two years and create a corps of 4,000 XML technology experts in Japan and overseas.
Along with these efforts, Fujitsu will augment its previously announced "Everything on the Internet" leadership goals - to be the top provider of Internet solutions, Japan's No. 1 Internet Service Provider, and the leading Internet user - to reflect the new broadband focus.

First Wave of Broadband Internet-Related Products Introduced
In conjunction with the refinement of its "Everything on the Internet" business, Fujitsu today also introduced several new products for the Japanese market under a three-tier framework of broadband Internet offerings encompassing Products, Services Infrastructure and Services.
In the Products tier, the company today began marketing six new high-volume, high-speed transport system offerings, including its previously released world-class FLASHWAVE 1.76 terabit/sec OADX WDM system, as well as 12 new models of its GeoStream IP router, which boasts unprecedented 99.9999% availability and a maximum speed of 160 gigabits/sec. At the same time, Fujitsu said that it would add broadband Internet functionality to its existing IP MEDIASERVE communications server and Nexteye moving image surveillance system products.
In the Services Infrastructure tier, drawing on its 15 years of accumulated experience in providing network services infrastructure, including to 50,000 corporate customers and 4.6 million @nifty subscribers, Fujitsu is introducing two new offerings that utilize its "B-FENICS" broadband network services infrastructure as well as five new "B-Infrastructure Solutions" comprising data center consulting, design, construction and support services.
And in the Services tier, Fujitsu plans to construct a new systems center in Tokyo that will specialize in broadband network services, as well as to introduce several other broadband Internet-related service offerings, including broadband Internet Data Center (B-IDC), image distribution (Fstream) and mobile information (Fmobile) services.

Broadband Internet-related Products - First Stage
(for Japan market)
B-FENICS | FENICS Internet Service: FLET'S ADSL |
FENICS Internet Service: MEGA Standard ATM |
B-Infrastructure Solutions | B-Infrastructure Consulting: Data Center Systems |
B-Infrastructure Design/Construction Services: Data Center Systems |
B-Infrastructure Consulting: Facilities |
B-Infrastructure Design/Construction Services: Facilities |
B-Infrastructure Operational Support Service: Facilities |
FLASHWAVE (4 series; 6 configurations) | FW Series of WDM Systems: FW OADX WDM System FW-Light WDM System |
FBX-J Series of SDH/SONET Systems: FBX-10G-J ADM System |
MW Series of ADSL Systems: MW-2040 ADSL Access System |
IP-1000 Series of IP-based Optical Transport Systems: IP-1100/1300 Photonic IP Node |
GeoStream (5 series; 12 models) | R900 Series of High-availability Routers for Telecom Carriers: R980/920 IP Switching Node |
A500/300 Series of FTTH Service Construction Optical Access Systems: A550/501 EPON Access Unit/Branch Unit A380/370//350P/ Optical Access Switch/Branch Switch |
Si-R Series of Broadband Access Type Routers Si-R300 Access Router |
Si-V Series of VoIP Gateway Systems: Si-V730/704/702 VoIP Gateway Systems |
NetShelter Series of Specialized Security Equipment NetShelter FW-P |
New Broadband Internet functionality added |
IP MEDIASERVE | IP Videophone Functionality: Real time transmission of MPEG4 video images using H.323 protocol |
NextEye | Tools for digitizing security related information (intruders, space allotment, etc.) via analysis of video images |

About Fujitsu
Fujitsu is a leading provider of Internet-focused information technology solutions for the global marketplace. Its pace-setting technologies, best-in-class computing and telecommunications platforms, and worldwide corps of systems and services experts make it uniquely positioned to unleash the infinite possibilities of the Internet to help its customers succeed. Headquartered in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 5.48 trillion yen for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001.
Press contacts: |
Fujitsu Limited, Public Relations
Yuri Momomoto, Bob Pomeroy
Tel: +81-3-3215-5259 (Tokyo)
Fax: +81-3-3216-9365