Fujitsu Introduces PRIMERGY N4000 with 64-bit Intel Itanium Processor
--Includes Model Bundled with Windows Advanced Server, Limited Edition--
Tokyo, October 4, 2001---Fujitsu Limited today introduced a new model
to its PRIMERGY line of IA (Intel(R) architecture) servers, the N4000,
which incorporates a 64-bit Intel(R) Itanium(TM) processor. The new
server provides an ideal platform for development and verification of
applications for the burgeoning 64-bit architecture.
[Product Highlights]
(1) 64-bit Intel(R) Itanium(TM) Processor
PRIMERGY N4000 can accommodate up to a 4-way SMP* configuration.
While compatible with existing 32-bit architecture, the Itanium(TM)
Processor employs a third cache memory of 4MB, new parallel processing
technology, and an improved internal register to deliver superior
speed and performance with high scalability.
*SMP (Symmetrical Multi Processing): a type of parallel processing
configuration in which multiple processors operate together using the
same memory.
(2) Operating System Support for 64-bit Environment
Fujitsu's new PRIMERGY N4000 offering includes a model that comes
bundled with the English-language version of Microsoft(R) Windows(R)
Advanced Server, Limited Edition, which has been specially developed
for the 64-bit environment. Purchasers of this model will be entitled
to receive from Microsoft a free upgrade to the 64-bit version of
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) .NET when it becomes available. With respect
to Linux for 64-bit applications, Fujitsu will provide verification
data on both Caldera International Inc.'s OpenLinux(R) 64 Release 3.1
and Red Hat, Inc.'s Red Hat Linux 7.1 for the Itanium(TM) Processor.
Pricing and Delivery
- PRIMERGY N4000 model bundled with the English-language version of
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Advanced Server, Limited Edition
Price (excluding taxes): from 9.5 million yen (Japan)
Shipment: from early November
- PRIMERGY N4000 HD model
Price (excluding taxes): from 7.5 million yen (Japan)
Shipment: early November
*Contact Fujitsu regional contact for pricing outside Japan.
"Microsoft welcomes the announcement of Fujitsu's PRIMERGY N4000 pre-
loaded with Windows(R) Advanced Server, Limited Edition," said Mr. Jun
Munekata, Director of OEM Marketing, Microsoft Co., Ltd. "This
announcement represents a significant, tangible achievement from our
global collaboration with Fujitsu in high-end computing that we
implemented on September 21 of last year. With Fujitsu's expertise in
systems engineering and operations in the high-end computing market, we
expect the Windows platform to become the de facto standard in a 64-bit
computing market that is poised for rapid expansion."
"We welcome Fujitsu's announcement of their new server with Intel's
newly-developed Itanium(TM) processor," said Mr. Nobuyuki Sato, General
Manager of e-Marketing Group, Intel K.K. "We think systems that
combine high-performance, high-availability Intel Itanium processors with
Fujitsu's superior technological capabilities will answer the high
expectations of e-commerce customers. We will work towards making
further contributions to the growth of this market in cooperation with
* All company/product names mentioned may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders and are used for identification
purpose only.
For detailed product information, see:

About Fujitsu
Fujitsu is a leading provider of Internet-focused information technology solutions for the global marketplace. Its pace-setting technologies, best-in-class computing and telecommunications platforms, and worldwide corps of systems and services experts make it uniquely positioned to unleash the infinite possibilities of the Internet to help its customers succeed. Headquartered in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated revenues of 5.48 trillion yen for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001.
Internet: http://www.fujitsu.com/
Please understand that product prices, specifications and other details are current on the day of issue of the press release, however, may change thereafter without notice.
